Simpsons Siblings

Trilogy of Error

February 02, 2022 Season 2 Episode 10
Simpsons Siblings
Trilogy of Error
Show Notes Transcript

Shut uppa you face and enjoy this alarmingly comfortable overview of The Simpsons S12E18 "Trilogy of Error."

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and we posted it online


for your entertainment. Um, and today we're talking about trilogy of error, which I'm super excited


about. I love this one. Yes.


This is my favorite of all the Simpsons.


True. How many are there.


So this was originally aired, April 29th, 2001. It was written by Matt Selman and directed by Mike B. Anderson, I think because my handwriting. Um, and you know, that is who wrote it. Um, our guest stars are Frankie Muniz, which you remember? He was like everywhere in the early thousands. What happened to him?


He grew up.


Yeah. But did he keep acting? Cause I haven't seen him in like anything. I don't know because I mean, I assumed he grew up and then yeah, we got Joe . I never know if I got that right. As fat Tony, we love him. Before we start on this one. It's absolutely nuts. How many God's awful episodes are right near this one, because this is such a fantastic episode. Like the one before it is Simpson safari, which is like, oh yeah, that one's. And then like Homer versus dignity, which is like, Um,


it just absorbed the energy of those around us.


Yeah. Yeah. So this is like, this has to be the best episode as season 12 by a long shot. But man, is it great diamond in the rough, hidden gem, other various rock metaphors?


Yeah. I don't know why. So speaking of which we have the chalkboard opening and it's just fire is not the cleanser, which I could see Bart burning stuff down. And then we have the couch gag where everyone comes in on the skateboards and they have that ramp and then Homer just flies off of it. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I like that one.


Yeah, I, this, this episode is like a total format change, which is why I love it so much. I love episodes that kind of have, I don't even know what you would call us.


I kind of compare to in my mind, and I noticed some elements, like you have some like star Trek episodes where it's like a time loop. And I don't know if they caused an effect episode for next generation


generation episode.


There's certain like audio and visual cues that when you see them for the first time they stick out in your head and then it's just, you're kind of like, oh, that stood out. Why is that? But then you realize that. To resync your mind with the timeframe and everything. Yeah. It's


I love that. We, and we both, we both thought of that independently of each other. I love that. Yeah, because that's exactly. Cause I was thinking like, um, oh,


there's like the, um, like the glass breaking crushers room. Anyone who's not a star Trek fan. It's like, why am I here, Jordy?


I thought at first I thought the catwalk was, was rotating, but really it was just me.


Oh, star Trek siblings.


Maybe someday if we run out of Simpsons episodes, but that's, that's unlikely. Um, Flanders son of a deadly. I love that. That got put in all three of the repeats because it's just so


Flanders. Um, the guy driving the trash truck, he's just looking over. I think he's just got a straight stare. He's just one animation. So


yeah, he doesn't know what's going on. Uh, when I first saw this, when I, cause I remember watching this when it first aired and I remember. Like after Homer does his thing and the intro and everything, when it first says Homer's day that's when I was first, like this is going to be something special. This is going to be something different and it was, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we've got Marge calling everyone down for breakfast after Homer puts deodorant on his entire body. And she's got this weird cereal. That's like sticky.


I forgot to write down the name of it, but it was suddenly, he was from my


Ikea. Yeah. One of those kinds of. Yeah. Lisa really tries to give homework out and she's so creative about it. Like, Hey Homer, let's go, you know, look in the other room, wink, Wayne can, he's like no wink, but I sure want to get out of eating this terrible breakfast wing,


but I sure don't want to eat this crappy breakfast.


And you're like keeps winking, like he thinks he's in on it. Oh, I also wrote Homer. Isn't the only Simpson trying to build a robot because you remember from. Itchy and scratchy land when the robot opens his head and in margin, see Homer, that's why your robot never worked. So, so building robots runs in the family, but only one Simpson succeeded. No,


we do have homework at Lisa going out to the living room and talking about lingo for the first time we learned that he's a party robot. Yes.


And the whole role reversal of Lisa saying, this is why I can't have nice things, because usually that's what the parent says to the child when they mess things out is this is why we can't have nice things. And Lisa has so much patience.


So. When lingual air's out because he drinks the beer there's numbers on the screen, 418071. I'm like I paused it and I thought this has to be referenced to something. So I punched that into Google. Only one page relating to the Simpsons came up and it just had random facts about that. But nothing tying it back to the episode. Like, first of all, it's made up of several prime numbers multiplied together. But aside from that, all the other facts are like, it would take eight days to count up to this number and just random, like the square root of this number is this I'm like, why is this an, a Simpsons Wiki? There's like six bullet points, nonsensical information about this number. And that just opens up more of a mystery.


We are, we are through the looking glass now people that's really fascinating. We could do an episode just on. Yeah,




It's like, if you take this word, remove some letters and add more letters, it will say like those types of


conspiracy, some funny word, like Seattle


Cucamonga. Oh goodness. The thumb. Still gets me on edge


cuts off so easily too. It's


well, and it's, it's such like a jolly scene. It's like, oh, Homer's just messing around. Marge is just dealing with them. Like that happens in every Simpsons episode he's jumping around and then it just happens so fast and shout out to the sound effects person. Cause that it's like cookie. And then when the dog bites it and it's like, and I


do have to wonder if my thumb that cut. Yeah. So on the ground, right. As Amos walked in, oh God, would he know that it's my thumb and not eat it? Or what, what would the dog's reaction be?


So I don't know if I should tell this story. I didn't get a thumb cut off, but. You know how babies have like a piece in their umbilical cord, still on them. And it eventually falls off. So my dear sweet daughter, when she was a baby, we were like, okay, this umbilical cord is going to Paul. Eventually we weren't the ones to find the umbilical cord. Our dog was.


Well, thanks for joining us, everybody.


We took it from him in time. He only had it for maybe like, like 10 or 20 seconds, but he did not care. He is also a very dumb dog. He is an absolute sweetheart, but he's very dumb. That's what I'm saying. Say it as a little helpers, pretty dumb. So I don't doubt this sequence of events.




And yeah. Now you know that, so,


yeah. Sorry I brought it up.


Oh dear God. Yeah. So the


local court. So then we get Marge calling 9 1 1 because you know, it's a medical emergency could lose a lot of blood and all that. And he said, help, help cut off my husband's thumb. She freedom's first thought is, oh, attempted murder. That's how you murder someone, chop off their thought. Yeah, you


go for the thumb first. Everyone knows that basic self-defense.


Um, now the real question is. As chief we can dumb for accepting 1, 2, 3 fake street, or is he smart for knowing off the top? His said that address


exists. I know. Cause yeah, cause that's, I almost wonder if it was just a coincidence that it happened to be right, because he can't be that smart considering the other events of the episode. Oh, and I was supposed to look this up. I don't know if it's called Chekhov's gun, which is like a story element where you, you have an item and it comes back to it later.


Something like, yeah, like if there's like a certain type of importance of an objects, The SKUs or drug tends to be important


later. And I don't know if this is exactly checkoff Scott, because you're almost supposed to forget about the fake street thing, but there are so many moments in that episode, I almost call them like deposits and withdrawals. Like they're depositing the facts into the bank and then they withdraw them later,


January her interest in the


show. Exactly. Oh my God. But yeah, that, that is like, that happens multiple times in the episode where like with the inflammable thing and with the whole, the guns going off in the, in the scene and getting ahead of myself, but there's so many things. The little ties from the first and second acts go towards subsequent acts. It's it's just beautiful. So I always talk about the JPM, which the jokes per minute, which is pretty good. The JPM is good on this one, but even more so it's like actions per minute, like things are constantly happening, but we're only a couple of minutes into the episode at this point. And it just goes and


goes and goes well, cause you basically, what, in like seven, the whole story is only seven or eight minutes and it's told multiple times, but you got to have this whole chain of events in that short amount of time. So you gotta,


it goes fast. She cuts off the thumb and then there's the phone call scene. And then we go straight out to the car and then she ends up hitting McMains car Wolf Castle's car, and then they steal the car. It's like, bam, bam, bam, bam. And it makes it very entertaining. Like, I wouldn't say this is one of the top 10 funniest Simpsons episodes, but it's one of the most entertaining Simpsons episodes. Yeah. Yeah. Also Dr. Hibbert is surprisingly undependable in that.


Yeah. And even Marge notices like to use, knock your NIC as a more reliable alternative.


Oh yeah. The one who doesn't understand what inflammable means. Well, and he said something like he's like, but I have finger insurance and he's like, thumbs are not fingers.


It could possibly just be an actual loophole


considering like the medical system, like you can kind of see that happening. And then he suggests like cutting off his other thumb for symmetry and Homer kind of goes symmetry and you can tell he has no clue what the word symmetry really means. Yeah. And so Homer goes to Moe's. Why does he go to Moe's because they're running out of ice. Yeah, that's right. And of course he can never just stop by. Moe's like, it's just a, it's like a series rule that he can't just stop by. Mo's he's got to go in there and drink like 10 beers Mo just doesn't care either. No, you really know.


He could have just been like, oh, here's this pickle juice or actual ice go to the hospital? No, gotta sell


some beer. And then he's like says he smells gang green on him or something. And, and Barney like pouring the hot coffee. I


know. I could like feel it in my throat. Like, you know, when you drink hot chocolate and it's too


hot. And then the whole blue man group Smurfs argument. For some reason, I found that. So hilarious as a kid, I remember repeating that like multiple times, just for some reason when he goes out of Mose, I want to make sure I keep track of the story beats. Cause I could, I figure most of you have seen this, but I, I know some haven't, so I want to like keep the story beats going. Yeah. But he like leaves the bar and then Marge has gone. Right. And so then he started trying to hitchhike, which the IHI joke is so dumb, but I love it for some reason. Cause he's trying to hitchhike with the missing thumb. Well,


and then Cletus is the one who gets what he's doing.


Yeah. Because he can relate with him because he's also missing fingers. Oh my God. What's that like, if anyone tells you a hog, can't bite your finger off, they're lying, he's lying, he's lying.


It's like, you're unsure of what the quote is. But as soon as you get into that tone of voice know


it's right. Yeah. You hear it. Which, who voices Cletus is that Pinkus area. Cause I can picture that. I'm not sure, but I'm also not sure. Why is Dr. Nick's entrance in the back? Like there's something so sketchy about that. Like there's a sign that says like entrance in back. Yeah.


Well, there was also, they're driving down the freeway and it says Dr. Nick next seven exits or something like that. Yeah. Like not in seven exits or it's like four, something like that, but it's like, why is this like over the next several? Yeah.


Because normally you'd see that like, you know, such and such city next three limp, the exits or, you know,


such-and-such town. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. Like we always do.


Yeah. That's, that's why you love us. So that's when we get Dr. Nick with the inflammable thing, that's the first time we hear the inflammable remark. Um, which is just English being a stupid language. Yeah. Cause like, it really should be cause inflammable and plan warming in the same thing. Yeah. And that's stupid.


Yeah. Cause you could say discriminate and indiscriminate.


Yeah. Cletus, his truck gets stolen. Marge's stealing cars left and right. But you don't know what's marked yet. Yeah. So Cletus has struck the truck, like mysteriously gets stolen. Um, so Homer has to walk to the Shelbyville hospital. Um, I had to remind myself there aren't cell phones yet. Like at least the Simpsons haven't been established to have a cell phone. It wasn't common at


this point. It's still weird seeing cell phones in the Simpsons.


Yeah. Yeah, we, we went through that whole cell phone, transitional phase, Homer says goodbye to his thumb because it keeps shriveling. And he says, I always knew


this day would come. That's not to me to


just figure one day he was going to lose his thumb or that when he died, just all of his parts would start like falling off or when he was dying, he was just going to specifically say goodbye to his thumb and nothing else.


It's very oddly specific. I have so many


questions out of nowhere. There's an explosion and lingos had comes flying in and then we have the whole lingo. Dead




also LA Futurama. I noticed lingo has square pupils.




Okay. Now it's Lisa's day, which means we're going to start the whole time loop over again. Um, I like that they cut just the right amount out of this intro scene so that it's not too repetitive, but you still remember the important parts.


It reminds me of that star Trek episode cause and effect.


Do we want to put the listeners through that sort of joke? We don't have to. You know what I was thinking, the same thing about episode. So we have the same events that happen again. Um, Homer breaks the robot and now we get to see Lisa go to her room just casually welding. Like she has all the welding equipment, which, I mean, I'm not surprised


the way she said quiet, please. Some of us are welding.


Pretentious. And it's also like when Homer screams and says like my thumb. Yeah.


Obviously a pain scream and something's going on.


I wrote, she's used to these kinds of shenanigans. Like she's, she's been through this sort of ride enough times that she's like, oh, he's fine. The whole exchange with the sentence fragment.


Yeah. Like she built them too. Well. Yes.


She programmed the SAS. Uh, so we have her running to the bus because it's a science fair day. And Martin Martin's diabolical here. Like it almost seems like he set up the bus to leave her behind. But all he has


is a plasma


globe. I'm wondering if he was doing something with the plasma globe, like maybe he altered it or he was gonna have, or he just brings that around regardless. And it wasn't even part of his project. He did it for the dramatic effect of being able to do that hair thing. Yeah. Yeah. And at the time he got shocked by one of those. Yeah. That hurt didn't you put a coin on it.


Yeah. I, I put a penny on it to see what would happen and all of the sparks went to it and I was like, Ooh, I better take it. Um, and when I went to go touch it like a quarter inch spark when my finger and there's a black spot on my finger and it burned them the inside wasn't that out of store that's expensive


or something like that, you could assume them and got money. I love the artsy fartsy shots of Lisa running, like the different angles and such, and I guess the music and the whole scene is from run Lola run, which I have never seen or heard of prior to this. Okay. But it's making fun of that.


It kind of, I know it's not the same, but it kind of gives me the, um, There's


fuelers. That's my favorite eighties. Bear on is fuelers. Oh, oh,


doll. There was feelers off day.


That's like the major VHS version that you accidentally get instead of the real version, the rental store. We're


keeping that in.


What does that remind you of Sean? It


reminds me of Ferris Bueller's day off. Oh, really?


Yeah, it does. It kinda does. That whole, you know, the Rene


is off


he's a little off that day. Okay. So she runs into Crusty's car, um, and he tells her to get in because she's like part of his main demographic and he's like, where we'll get her to her school. And of course, Mr. Teenie's driving.


Love Teenie's voice.


I love Mr. Teeny. My, my, my daughter has all this Mr. Teeny stuffed animal and she loves him. He's got little roller skates.


This is the Williams, like, Hey, we got to say, man.


So we're talking about Mr. Teenie. He gets Lisa to school. It turns out it's the wrong school. It's what was it? West Springfield elementary. Greenfield elementary, which gave me area 51. A vibes. Yeah. Um, which is another good one we should do at some point the French class. Yeah,


there, I dunno, the first class, like, it looks so similar, but on the back, there's a, it almost looks like a food pyramid, but it just has like French fries, French bread, and real creeps on it. I don't know if it's mental, but it's just a triangle with those foods on the three points.


Those are the only three things. French people eat. And you learned about that in French class. That's amazing. I wonder if they were promotional from Oscar Meyer,


jet French fries. Didn't originally


come from France. Yes, I know it's because they were French


cut and it's because they were originally made in Greece.


Um, oh, and the whole, like, they have to laugh in French. Yeah. Oh God. It's sorry that it was okay. This is like the one part of the episode. I have a problem with this kid that shows about a nowhere. He has a little scene with Lisa and they like get along really well. And then he disappears and has nothing to do with the rest of the episode.


What was her life like? She knows where west Springfield is now.


And he's just gone well, and I'm wondering if, cause that's Frankie Nunez his character. This was in the heyday of Malcolm in the middle. And I'm wondering if that was like a big promotional thing where like during Malcolm in the middle of they'd be like, see Frankie Muniz and our next Simpsons episode. And they kind of just threw them in there.


They show his character popping up in the corner of the screen, in the


middle zone. And they're like, you should stay tuned and, and vice versa. You hear them in that? And you're like, oh, I, maybe I should watch Malcolm in the. I feel like it was kind of snuck. Cause he's plenty to do with the rest of the episode.


The characters popping up mid episode is a total Fox thing to do. Yeah. Like dancing around the screen while you're trying to watch the episode. Like the little don't


they make fun of that in this Simpsons movie. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Lisa kind of realizing she's wasting a lot of time. Like she even mentioned that she's wasted a lot of time, um, and ends up running the most because she just figures Homer's going to be there at noon. William is listening in, on someone with a wire, which, why is he at most for this plot reasons? It's basically just plot reasons. Now,


my thing is, Lisa comes in. Initially talking about her dad and the thumb and everything we to have noticed the connection of like hearing that his thumb got chopped off because he's the one that took the nine 11 call.


And we're talking about wig. I'm here though.


Okay, there you go. That explains that explains


it. I'll just write it on my imaginary type, right? No, sir. Oh, man. So Lisa runs out and, um, we see Marge in the car and she says, I stole it from McBain. After cutting off your father's thumb, Lisa doesn't even blink at this. This is just normal. Like she's used to this kind of crap. Um, and they get going in the car. The car very quickly runs out of gas, um, because she can't read the French. Like fuel gauge. Was it French or not? French. Italian. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and had some weird


lesson. I was like, mommy, I was like


very, very dumb, like, you know, fake. I mean, I'm sure some Italian people say mama Mia, but after they run out of gas, they hit your ride in the back of Cletus's truck. That Homer is in at that moment. And after they get out, they don't notice Homer somehow and they steal the truck. So that's how the truck gets stolen. And March almost hits Bart who is coming out of a sewer drain. And that's the end of act two.


I remember this coming out and something about visas, like gasp, extra dramatic and wounds, Deming out.


That's it. That's the other neat thing about this episode is it's very three act structure, very clean cut acts like whole first act commercial break, whole second now commercial break. It's very clean. And I like that. Um, so we don't, we got parts day. Yes. Bart's clock is so cute where he tries to hit snooze and it says, get him boys. And the two little scratchings are hitting.


I know. I like that. I want that lazy.


Yeah. We finally find out what Millhouse is. Big news is because. We keep hearing and every single beginning that he's rang the doorbell and thinning and then, oh, it's no house. Oh. And he's got big news and it's kind of like a lead up. You're wondering what it is. Um, so they take the bikes, Milhouse rides. Lisa's disturbingly comfortable by. And they get to a small case. What kind


of wiggles on the bike too?


Yeah. Well, the thing is, girls bikes are generally the same, but painted different. I don't know if she had a different seat or what. What are you talking about no house. And then they get to the, the cave, which is where he comes to cry the


way he says it. This is where I come to cry.


Yeah. Bart's reaction to he's just like cool. Like he doesn't judge him on it.


He has his own place to go to cry


either that, or be like, he gets that he, that that's what mental house is like, and that's okay. Or part has his own cave to cry. And. Um, I loved the line delivery on wow. Sacks, burlap sacks. So exciting. Oh man. Those burlap sacks. So there's fireworks in the, in the sacks, in the burlap sacks. And they use them for various shenanigans. There's like a small little montage, including they put them on one of the bikes and the tire kind of goes down the hill. I ended up arriving at Dr. Nicks and setting the thing on fire, which is the influx ether. You


know, there's something about like when that, that wheel takes off down the road, the what's, I don't know the name of the person, like the folly recorder, follow the artist, whatever. If they recorded like a sound for that instead of using like a stock audio, there's probably stories of them having fun, playing with fireworks and getting not only the fireworks to spin and do all that, but to get it like buy a microphone. And I had to,


they also, that would have been the same group that would have had to put together the Homer getting his thumb cutoff sounds and the dog's chewing on it sounds. And the lingual exploding, like they ended up fun day that day. So after they inadvertently blow up Dr. Nicks, um, the cops come for them and of course they run into a building and it's 1, 2, 3 fake street. And that is like, that is like something from minute three of the episode being paid off like a throwaway line in minute three being paid off and like minute 20, like that is my salute. You. People


who wrote that? Wow. I love Lou asking him if he can run in with his gun plants,


I will. Chief white Kim's response. You said whatever you want birthday boy, it's your special day.


He just looked so proud of you. Tough holding it sideways.


So the cops find them and they make the deal for them to be the snitches. And when you make that connection to the beginning, not even the beginning, it was like halfway through when, when chief Brigham kind of rats out the snitches and they get supposedly shot. When you figure out that that's them getting into that situation. It's a big, oh, crap moment. Yeah. And they're being so dang obvious about. With like the big chunky tape recorder and like his shirt.


Oh yeah. Yeah. I feel like we can take this out if I'm wrong. Wasn't there another thing with Wigan and a wire and messing that up. It


was a, but it was Homer and he had a giant hat and I had a camera in it. Oh, that's right. And he had to go into the quickie Mart, but I can't remember why.


Uh, because of the hot dog and like the, in the center.


Yeah. Yeah. So it was similar, but it wasn't Bart. Okay. Yeah. We have Bart setting off the fireworks, which is what makes the gunfire sound that we think is what killed the informants earlier in the episode. Um, and Bart escapes through the sewer drain. Um, And that's when Marge almost hits him and he, like, she likes, barely dings his head, but enough that


it sounds like it hurts.


So the mob bosses. Whoever follows fat Tony and everybody followed them down like, uh, an alleyway and Marge is yelling at them to stop and she ends up throwing lingo at them and they have this weird argument. What was her plan with that though? I think it was just pure desperation. Yeah. She was just like, as, I mean, if you see your kid being chased down a hallway with mobsters, and the only thing you have in your possession is a grammar robot. You're going to throw the grammar rope. I mean, if you got nothing, you got nothing else in your disposal, you've stolen a truck that cannot fit through the alleyway. You're going to throw the grammar robe. Yeah, that's true. And, um, lingual overloads, because the mobsters. Speak with full sentences. We get the whole shut. You face


your face.


You give the best line dialogue for that. Cause I've heard that from you many times, uh, lingual, overloads and all the fireworks go off and stuff. And that's when the head explodes and shows up. Homer Homer gets over there really fast.


Yeah. To be able to like, know where it launched from.


Yeah. And the mafia guys figure out a special fix for all this. Cause you know, Lisa's like, oh my science project and I need to get back to school and, you know, homeless thumbs off. And so they figured out a perfect solution, which is, um, isn't he called? The mafia guy, he sews up the thumb in front of the class for the science project and she gets first place.


That's impressive too. Cause like the thumb was wrinkly from being soaking. Pickled juice showed so much of the bone was sticking out.


Yeah. Um,


but we can't just have Homer with no thumb for the rest of the series.


I mean, they could have gotten around it, but then there wouldn't have been a satisfactory conclusion to the episode. But I would've loved to see a quick after Lisa gets first place. I would love to see a quick shot of Martin, you know, like , you know? Yeah. Come on. We didn't know. Was he putting a penny on that thing?


It would have been stupid.


What Stan, a stupid kid would do that. So Mr. Teeny randomly shows up the app at the end and says the plot makes no sense, which is the other tiny part of this episode that I hate because I feel like it was kind of a cop. Because to me, at least it feels like they were worried. They weren't going to pull it off. Like, it'd be like at the end of a Twilight zone, if rod Serling looked at the screen and was like, gee, I hope that all made sense. Like, so did it make sense? Yeah. And I don't, I, and it's such like a small gag. You don't need. But maybe they just didn't know what to put in there, but it's, it's such a solid episode. And to end on that, it's just kind of like,


it kind of like demeans.


Yeah. I mean, it very could have easily just ended before that. Cause we've had other episodes, like not every Simpsons episode ends on a dag sometimes it's just like them going. Ha ha ha. And then it kind of fades to black que credits. But um, I mean, I don't know that this is a great. I love this episode. I love this one so much. And so much of it. It's like, it's not, it's not super crazy funny, but it's so well put together that it's just entertaining as hell. It's not


like the new format is refreshing and you just want to, like, as soon as you realize that it's going to be multiple. You start looking for things and fax it over. Like this one gets your brain like more engaged into what's going on.


Exactly. Like you could make one of those, like, um, like from the memes, I forget what it's called the guy with the bulletin board and he's going like this. You could make that with like ties to all the different parts of the episode that tie together, like the fake stream. And, um, you know, the going through the sewers, going through the caves. You know, the snitch, the lingua


from always sending Philadelphia, that's it? Yeah. Well he's like, yeah, we had to make the sound for the podcast.


I feel like I should watch that because I feel like it would have humor than I'd like to, I've never seen it.


It's been a long time since I've seen like a third of the show and it was pretty


funny. Yeah. I, I should look into it, but anyways, Yeah, I, this is a great episode, especially if you're one of those purists that only watches seasons one through eight or one through 10 or whatever this is, this is quality. Like watch this episode. If you stopped watching at that point, watch this one anyways. Cause it's totally worth it. Yeah, definitely. This is like this, isn't just a great Simpson's up. So this is a great example of how to write a great TV episode and this great. I


just think it's neat. I just


think it's neat. Uh, yeah. I'd like to give a big, thank you to Timmy boy. Whoo. Timmy. O'Toole uh, Timothy Burleson, who is our only patron and we love him and he gets to get this episode four days early and he gets a video version of it. And he gets to hear all these random, stupid things. Shawn's


yeah. The unedited version is three times longer than the extra


podcast. I get to see my dog, like four times, because he didn't know how to sit still and you get to hear me say, um, a


lot. Oh, great reasons


to be a patron. Oh yes. All great reasons, but yeah. Thank you, Timmy. We love you, baby. Yeah. Ah, well, and if you want to join the Patrion we're at sibs, that Simpsons S I B S so as it has IBS in it,


on that note.


Okay. Join us next time. When we will be covering season six, episode 24. Lemon of Troy. This is, yeah, this is such, this is like one of the classics of the classics. So definitely watch it episode before you listen to get the full experience and until next time, bye everybody.